Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio

Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio

Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio

Terrace Garden Exhibits

Image of exhibit at the UC Davis Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe PatioStudents, faculty and volunteer community members develop the content for every permanent exhibit in the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden using an in-depth interpretive signage creation process. 

DOWNLOAD a .pdf of all the Terrace Garden exhibit signs


The Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio is currently closed for a refresh and planning to open again in April 2025. 

The Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio (part of the Davis Commons Shopping Center in Downtown Davis) is a Mediterranean-style garden for California’s Central Valley, featuring vine-covered pergolas, decorative paving, container plantings, small sustainable landscapes, multiple seating options including tables and chairs, and more. 

Visitors can learn about Valley-wise gardening: how to create their own beautiful gardens while reducing their use of water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Despite the more urban style setting, the plants in this garden provide a refuge for birds and butterflies with Arboretum All-Star plants and garden techniques adapted to local growing conditions. The patio is named for Lois Crowe, an Arboretum docent with a special interest in Mediterranean garden style.

Land acknowledgement statement

UC Davis Arboretum Terrace Garden and Lois Crowe Patio