Your Community Support Helps Students Lead!
Consider a Gift to the Friends Year-End Appeal
The Arboretum and Public Garden’s student internship program, Learning by Leading™, is helping to empower young leaders to address the urgent environmental issues of our time including climate change, habitat destruction and species extinction.
You can see the impact of our Learning by Leading™ interns each time you visit the plant sales or gardens. You can read about one of our inspiring students, Ellen Sanders-Raigosa, and her leadership in the article on page 6. Through these types of activities, our student interns gain practical knowledge and the leadership skills to tackle environmental challenges today so they can become the environmental leaders, teachers and decision-makers of the future.
Support from Friends members and other community and foundation partners is what keeps the Learning by Leading™ program growing. Consider making a gift during the Friends of the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden Annual Appeal. Your gift will help us support the students and increase the impact they are making through the Learning by Leading™ internship program.
Thank you for helping our Learning by Leading™ students improve our community today and become the environmental leaders for tomorrow.