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Cancelled: Wednesday Walk with Master Gardeners Judy, Donna and Pat

Image of Warren G. Roberts leading a tour of the UC Davis Arboretum.

Event Date

Arboretum Gazebo

This event has been cancelled due to the heavy rain and wind forecasted for tomorrow. Please be sure to join the next Walk with Warren on Wednesday, March 13.


Three for one! Warren Roberts, superintendent emeritus of the UC Davis Arboretum, usually leads this tour, but this month, amazing Master Gardeners, Judy Hecomovich, Donna Moyer, and Pat Dressendorf, will take the reins. Join them for an engaging, noon-time exploration of winter in the UC Davis Arboretum’s gardens and collections. This event is free.

Attendees can find free, one-hour parking along Garrod Drive near the Gazebo, in addition there are metered spots in Visitor Parking Lot 55 or, if neither of these options are available, attendees can purchase a $9 daily pass from a permit kiosk in the parking lot.

Event Category
