Braking is important

Image of ten speed bike brakes.
Gloria Partida
Arboretum Enthusiast
UC Davis Alumni

We were transplanted from Los Angeles in June of 1989. I was a newly single mom of three. We were settling in to a new life in the gem of the community at Solano Park that bordered the east end of the arboretum. My children were 5, 6 and 7 and thought our nightly walks after dinner in the arboretum were the most magical adventures. Especially after coming from the inner city of Los Angeles. Being able to ride bikes around the arboretum was especially thrilling. One evening a little too thrilling when my oldest decided that it was time to conquer riding down the steepest hill in the arboretum. The angle of incline proved too much ! for the foot brakes on his little bike and if it hadn't been for the profusive foliage of a well placed bush he would have added to aquatic life of Spafford Lake. It is a memory that has become a part of our cannon of cautionary tales we give to all the new generations of bike riders in our family. 

Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

August 1989